Jetpack Jacob Progress – Explosions!

I meant to put this progress report up days ago, but real-life commitments took a lot of development time away. I’m happy to now announce that a brand-new mechanic has been added to the game: explosives!

explosives1A new pickup type has been added which will add one explosive to the player’s inventory when picked up.

explosives2The explosives are placed one at a time. After an explosive is placed, it can be detonated at the press of a key. Explosives will damage enemies (and the player!), as well as destroy cracked blocks, opening new sections of the level.

explosives3That’s what I been working on since the last progress update. The next thing to do is work on the menus, adding options such as key rebinding.

It also might be time to find an artist. I’m getting tired of looking at all this programmer art. :)

Jetpack Jacob progress – conveyors

There has been almost no work on the level editor since the last update. I’ve been busy adding objects to the game and making them work properly.

“Mechanical Mansion” is part of the game’s title, so there should probably be some mechanical objects, right?

conveyor1Conveyors will move objects that rest on them to the left or right. They move quickly, which means that they can be used to prevent progress in a certain direction.

conveyor2Multiple conveyors can quickly accelerate an object to its maximum horizontal speed!

That’s all I’m going to include in this progress report. The next instalment should be even more interesting. You could even say that it will be a ‘blast’! ;)